What makes a successful EDM event?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blog 18

Blog 18: 2-Hour Meeting Answer #3

1) What makes a successful EDM event?

2) An artist lineup is crucial for the attendance of people to your events, especially in smaller less reputable events.

3) I have only so far been focusing on ways that major EDM events generate enough revenue, but since they are already big they have all the necessities needed to attract people. With smaller EDM events an artist lineup is always needed for people to know before the actual event takes place. Such of these would include smaller EDM events held locally within a city such as clubs held in the Avalon, where they announce the artist that will be performing that day along with ticket prices and supporting artist. They announce the few artist that will be performing in order to attract the local people to come and see them and not have to wait for major events or festivals to happen. These events are also generally offered for less than those of major events since they only have very few artist but many people that will attend as well as generating income from drinks or merchandise sold the day of the event. Such an example is that of the picture below which shows the main artist Morgan Page alongside with the supporting acts of that night.
4) The main source that helped me answer this question is that of the website Digital DJ Tips from the 6 different articles that they offered and that helped a lot with EDM events in general.

5) From here I plan to use this information and figure out how many local events and clubs do this where they actually show what artist will be performing that same day at their club in order to attract people and seeing if they sell out shows and roughly how much revenue they can generate.

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