What makes a successful EDM event?

Monday, October 15, 2012

ndependent Component 1 Plan Approval

Blog 7: Independent Component 1 Approval
  1. My plan for my independent study component is to taking various courses online until I meet the 30 hours necessary. These courses will outline step by step the basic structure and components of each sub-genre. These courses are meant to be built upon and worked on with a person own style. Quizzes are also given in order to see if you understand what certain things do and why they do so.
  2.  These online courses vary from time and difficulty depending on the type sub-genre of EDM you are focusing on, as well as the program you use. The website where the online courses are given have hundreds of classes and videos explaining how to create EDM as well as other tips such as mixing as song.
  3. These classes will give me even more knowledge that I can apply to building an actual song so that by the end of the year have multiple songs that can be sent out to record labels, artist, or have a chance in remix competitions. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Second Interview Questions

Interview Questions:

  • What are some ways to become more known within the EDM industry?
  • What steps do you recommend a person taking in order to have an original track or remix released?
  • What lead you to try and pursue the EDM industry?
  •  As a producer, what steps do you always take in creating a new song?
  • What record label do you one day hope to be signed and why?
  • Which record labels will have the potential to boost your career the most?