Independent Component 2
A) I, Jorge Estrada, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
B) The person who helped me complete my Independent Component was a former I-poly Student. His name is Josh Salas and goes by his DJ name Vitus. He is the one who mostly helped me complete my independent component alongside with his friend and DJ as well, DJ Essential. They both produce music and promoted before they started Djing so they knew what to do and also had the resources to help me complete my Independent Component.
C) 30 Hours
D) During my Independent Component I took on the task of learning how to promote. The people that i went to in order to get help because they had the knowledge and experience of promoting. They were the people who also had the resources I needed since they are in the EDM scene. For my independent component I promoted for them and handed out various flyers to people from different venues doing what they told me. I would have to go to different locations that would accept the flyers. I would have to ask stores beforehand if i could leave flyer for the event in many cases they would say yes and in other they would not allow me to. I would also have to make sure that I chose a location that had people that might want to attend the event that i was promoting. I had to make sure to be friendly and inviting so that people would actually take the time to read the flyers. I would also come across people who were rude or would not even take me into consideration. I had to learn early on not to let the rejection of people get to me and just continue promoting with other people who actually would take the time to read the flyer. In some cases I would only hand a few flyers out since there weren't many people at that location and it had to do with the time period as well. The time that you hand out the flyers is crucial as well as the days since there are more people you can cater to in the afternoon during the weekends. These were some of the things i had to experience when promoting but there were also perks to it since i would be able to attend the events i promoted for, for free. I would spend time with the DJ's in the back as well since i would be around Vitus and Essential. It was a great overall experience.
This is a picture from the event that i had to promote. It follows the information hierarchy and has the names of Vitus and Essential who were the ones who gave me a basic understanding on how to promote.
This is a picture of the night of the event of T.N.T where you can see Vitus and Essential DJing and that night i was able to meet up with other promoters and the other DJ's as well.
This was the night i got to DJ with Vitus for the house party i helped promote for that turned out rather well.
This is a picture of the night of the event of T.N.T where you can see Vitus and Essential DJing and that night i was able to meet up with other promoters and the other DJ's as well.
This was the night i got to DJ with Vitus for the house party i helped promote for that turned out rather well.
Applied: My independent component helped me a lot since it helped with most if not all the answers to my EQ. While promoting I paid attention to all the different designs of the flyer and some demonstrated that they had effort and work put into them, and all would follow the information hierarchy. It made me realize how big of a factor flyers played in promoting for your event. It also made me realize that you can get a cross a large amount of people if your promoters do their job correctly since promoters come from different areas and promote for their area. It helped me with my second answer with my EQ since people really paid attention to the artist that were going to perform/ DJ that night. In some cases people would discuss with me about a DJ that they really liked was going to DJ that night and that they would go out just to see that DJ perform. It showed me that the lineup for the event that night is important and can attract people from distant locations. It helped me with my third answer to my EQ since some of the flyers had themes to them and this in turn would change the whole design of the flyer and in some cases would make them look better than others. People would seem really interested in themed events since they offered something different and out of the ordinary that other events did not. It showed that if you create an event with an appealing theme, has the potential of attracting and creating a bigger interest for the people to attend. This independent component has really made me realize how little things can make a big difference in making your events a success or a failure.